Learning how to write medium posts

Mitchell Solomon
2 min readJan 17, 2021
It’s my face, greyscale, looking off into the distance.
Here is a picture of me looking off into the distance as if very deep in thought. Wow. So knowledgeable looking.

Drop cap to start the post? Highlight text, hover and click

Drop cap symbol

Keyboard shortcuts for Medium, where I learned how to make a link.

This is a header. ctrl + alt + 1

This is a subheader. ctrl + alt + 2

ctrl + alt + 5 to designate a quote -Ghandi

Msolomon ← that’s me mentioning myself by using the “@” symbol

^^^^^^ ctrl + enter for a separator ellipsis ^^^^^^^

ctrl + alt + 6 for code block
import tensorflow as tf
is there no keyboard shortcut to get out of a code block?

just click below the code block to add a regular section. ✓

What about math? Can we render equations?

No. Medium does not support LaTex. Using images seems to be the way most people do it. Darn.

😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣 emojis! Copied and pasted from here.

Apparently, you can embed Tweets which will show up as preview cards in the Medium.


Shows up like this:

By pasting this link:

Which is converted automatically. Neat.

Gifs are embeddable too!

Napoleon Dynamite gif was copied from Giphy

